Category Archives: Baking

Shallot With Garlic Bread recipe

Have you tried roasting garlic and shallots bread? They are famous for their intense flavors and aromas, making them excellent aromatic ingredients in cooking. However, roasting them gently in olive oil transforms their strong flavor into something more subdued, resulting in a sweeter and milder taste. It’s quite a departure from the robust garlic flavour of traditional garlic bread, so prepare for something different!


As for the cheese, feel free to use any type you have on hand (we’re all about being practical here). But if you’re going shopping, I’d suggest Mozzarella for its excellent melting quality and Parmesan for its sharp, distinctive flavor.


  • 1 loaf of Italian bread (I used Pane de Casa)
  • 3 shallots
  • 2 garlic bulbs
  • 125g butter, softened
  • 1 tbsp miso
  • 1/2 tbsp chili flakes
  • Cheese (I used a mix of mozzarella and parmesan)
  • Parsley, chopped
  • 1-2 tbsp honey


  1. Cut off the tops of the garlic bulbs and shallots. Arrange them on a piece of foil, generously drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Wrap them in the foil and bake at 180C / 350F for 1hr – 1hr15min until they turn golden and caramelised. Let them cool afterwards.
  2. Squeeze the roasted garlic and shallots into a bowl. Add softened butter, miso, chilli flakes, and season with salt and pepper. Stir until well mixed.
  3. Slice your bread loaf lengthwise and generously spread the prepared mixture over it (you may also create small cuts in the bread for better absorption of the mixture). Sprinkle cheese over the top and grill/broil at 180C / 350F for 15-20 mins or until it turns golden brown (be sure to keep an eye on it to prevent burning).
  4. Once it’s golden and crisp, garnish with parsley and a drizzle of honey. Cut into slices and serve. Print
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    Shallot Garlic Bread recipe

    • Author: Roxie


    • 1 loaf of Italian bread (I used Pane de Casa)
    • 3 shallots
    • 2 garlic bulbs
    • 125g butter, softened
    • 1 tbsp miso
    • 1/2 tbsp chilli flakes
    • Cheese (I used a mix of mozzarella and parmesan)
    • Parsley, chopped
    • 12 tbsp honey



    1. Cut off the tops of the garlic bulbs and shallots. Arrange them on a piece of foil, generously drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Wrap them in the foil and bake at 180C / 350F for 1hr – 1hr15min until they turn golden and caramelised. Let them cool afterwards.
    2. Squeeze the roasted garlic and shallots into a bowl. Add softened butter, miso, chilli flakes, and season with salt and pepper. Stir until well mixed.
    3. Slice your bread loaf lengthwise and generously spread the prepared mixture over it (you may also create small cuts in the bread for better absorption of the mixture). Sprinkle cheese over the top and grill/broil at 180C / 350F for 15-20 mins or until it turns golden brown (be sure to keep an eye on it to prevent burning).
    4. Once it’s golden and crisp, garnish with parsley and a drizzle of honey. Cut into slices and serve.



    Keywords: Shallot Garlic Bread recipe

Cinnamon Bread recipe

If you’re looking for a simple and delicious bread recipe that’s perfect for any occasion, try this Cinnamon Bread recipe. It’s a sweet and flavorful bread that’s easy to make and will fill your home with the warm aroma of cinnamon.


  • 3 loaves frozen bread dough (Rhodes Bake – N – Serve)
  • 3/4 cup butter, melted
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2-3 tablespoons milk


  1. Thaw the frozen bread loaves on a tray at room temperature for 3-4 hours or in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350°F and spray 8-inch bread pans with non-stick cooking spray.
  3. Cut 4 deep cuts into each loaf of bread, nearly all the way through, leaving just a small piece still connected at the bottom.
  4. Coat the bread completely with the melted butter, making sure to coat the inside of each cut very well.
  5. Mix the granulated sugar and cinnamon together in a wide dish and roll the bread gently in the cinnamon sugar. Make a thick coat and stuff each cut with lots of cinnamon sugar.
  6. Place a loaf of bread in each pan and cover with a light tea towel. Allow bread to rise in a warm area until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
  7. Bake bread for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and when thumped on the bottom should sound hollow. Remove bread from the oven and allow the bread to cool for about 10 minutes.
  8. While the bread is cooling, mix up the icing. Combine the powdered sugar, vanilla, and 2 tablespoons of milk and whisk until smooth. Add extra milk as needed until the desired consistency is reached.
  9. Drizzle icing on top of warm bread and serve!

This recipe is perfect for brunch or dessert, or even as a sweet snack. The use of frozen bread dough makes this recipe incredibly easy and convenient, while the cinnamon sugar adds a delicious sweetness and flavor to the bread. The icing on top adds a perfect finishing touch, making this bread irresistible.

Overall, this Cinnamon Bread recipe is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth and impress your family and friends with your baking skills. Give it a try and enjoy the delicious taste of homemade bread with a sweet twist.

You can also try this Blueberry Banana Bread Recipe

Muddy Buddies

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Cras iaculis non metus id luctus. Aenean pellentesque et lacus sed malesuada. Integer nec tempor est, non convallis lacus. Duis ultrices sapien sit amet libero bibendum, eu auctor justo tempor. Etiam vitae arcu nisl. Mauris varius, lorem ut varius cursus, tortor lectus pellentesque justo, a dapibus lorem purus in eros. In vestibulum ultrices massa euismod fringilla. Sed iaculis semper commodo. Ut scelerisque tristique vestibulum. Sed dapibus porta risus nec ultricies. Nulla facilisi. Donec bibendum eu justo vel egestas. Sed vitae sagittis massa. Maecenas suscipit orci quis consequat sodales.

Sed facilisis condimentum ante sed bibendum. Phasellus sagittis commodo hendrerit. Etiam finibus nunc rutrum, volutpat risus vitae, tincidunt est. Proin id felis nisi. Etiam suscipit nec nulla at ultricies. Nam iaculis lacinia nunc, id ullamcorper purus luctus at. Pellentesque in consectetur ante. Sed eget porta enim.

Pumpkin Banana Loaf

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed porttitor nibh. Etiam consectetur ex est, nec tempus dui commodo non. Fusce sodales porttitor lorem. Etiam a euismod est. Vestibulum consequat cursus lacus nec vestibulum. Integer enim justo, volutpat et metus vel, ultricies tincidunt nulla. Donec odio magna, aliquam sed scelerisque quis, rhoncus eget ipsum. In sollicitudin ipsum nec volutpat fringilla.

Mauris in porta sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc at sapien eget augue dictum facilisis quis in mauris. Donec venenatis feugiat turpis ut sodales. In eget velit lorem. Aliquam imperdiet orci mollis elit fringilla pulvinar. Vestibulum ante dui, interdum ac nisl ac, pulvinar accumsan libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas id suscipit leo.

Ut egestas, tortor a sagittis viverra, odio lorem elementum arcu, a porta neque odio ac augue. Praesent volutpat ante in erat ultricies imperdiet. Praesent ultricies nulla a dictum aliquam. Nunc rutrum lectus tempus fermentum varius. Vestibulum porttitor et quam et posuere. Nulla elit nunc, ultrices id sapien ut, ornare ultrices ante. Suspendisse rutrum felis quis ultricies facilisis.

Earl Grey Cookies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque mattis hendrerit ipsum, ac vehicula mauris iaculis eget. Aliquam quam felis, euismod ac arcu quis, laoreet pretium orci. Ut fermentum luctus lacus, ut convallis eros aliquam ut. In elementum sem vel commodo tristique. Sed non iaculis tortor. Maecenas vehicula lorem risus, in efficitur risus auctor et. Morbi ac ornare lacus. Aenean eu molestie ipsum. Proin tristique a purus quis semper.

Cras iaculis non metus id luctus. Aenean pellentesque et lacus sed malesuada. Integer nec tempor est, non convallis lacus. Duis ultrices sapien sit amet libero bibendum, eu auctor justo tempor. Etiam vitae arcu nisl. Mauris varius, lorem ut varius cursus, tortor lectus pellentesque justo, a dapibus lorem purus in eros. In vestibulum ultrices massa euismod fringilla. Sed iaculis semper commodo. Ut scelerisque tristique vestibulum. Sed dapibus porta risus nec ultricies. Nulla facilisi. Donec bibendum eu justo vel egestas. Sed vitae sagittis massa. Maecenas suscipit orci quis consequat sodales.

Sed facilisis condimentum ante sed bibendum. Phasellus sagittis commodo hendrerit. Etiam finibus nunc rutrum, volutpat risus vitae, tincidunt est. Proin id felis nisi. Etiam suscipit nec nulla at ultricies. Nam iaculis lacinia nunc, id ullamcorper purus luctus at. Pellentesque in consectetur ante. Sed eget porta enim.