Strawberry cake

The Ultimate Fresh Strawberry Cake: Mastering the Steps


The quest for the perfect fresh strawberry cake is a labour of love, but the reward is worth every effort. This cake is a celebration of real strawberries and is unlike any other. To achieve the best results and indulge in the luscious flavour of fresh strawberries, let’s dive into the detailed steps to master this exquisite dessert.

Fresh Strawberry Cake – A True Delight

Many strawberry cakes rely on artificial flavours or Jell-O to achieve a strawberry taste, but this cake is in a league of its own. It’s all about real, fresh, or frozen strawberries, and a hint of lemon to bring out the strawberry flavour. This cake is incredibly moist and bakes into three layers with a tight and tender crumb. It’s a cake that has been refined to perfection, and while it’s not the easiest to make, the end result is well worth the effort.

The Secret of Real Strawberries

The journey to create the ultimate strawberry cake involved numerous trials and errors. Chopping up fresh strawberries and adding them to a vanilla cake recipe didn’t yield the desired result. The cake turned out wet, dense, and brown, with most of the strawberry flavour lost. Another experiment involved grinding freeze-dried strawberries and adding them to the dry ingredients, which improved the outcome but wasn’t quite perfect. The breakthrough came when the magic of strawberry emulsion and reduction was discovered.


The Art of Strawberry Reduction

To make this strawberry cake truly exceptional, a fresh strawberry reduction is essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create this crucial component:

Step 1: Begin by placing fresh or thawed frozen strawberries in a medium saucepan. If you prefer a smoother texture for the strawberry reduction, you can use an immersion blender to blend the strawberries.

Step 2: Heat the mixture on medium-high heat and add sugar if desired, along with lemon zest, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

Step 3: Once the mixture begins to bubble, reduce the heat to medium-low and continue to simmer until the berries break up, and the mixture reduces by about half. This process takes approximately 20 minutes. If the mixture has reduced by half but is still watery, continue cooking until all the liquid has evaporated.

Step 4: Stir the mixture occasionally to prevent burning, and you should end up with about 2 cups of thick strawberry reduction, resembling tomato sauce. Allow it to cool before use.

Step 5: You will use some of this reduction in the cake batter, some in the frosting, and the rest as a filling between the cake layers for added moisture. Any leftover reduction can be stored in the fridge for up to one week or frozen for up to six months.

Crafting the Cake

Creating the cake itself is a process that requires precision and attention to detail. Here are the steps to ensure the cake turns out perfectly:

Step 1: Start by bringing your butter, egg whites, milk, and strawberry reduction to room temperature, and prepare all your other ingredients. Using a food scale to measure the ingredients is essential for the best results, as converting the recipe to cups may lead to failure.

Step 2: Grease three 8″ cake pans with cake goop or your preferred pan release and preheat the oven to 350ºF (176ºC). While three 8″ pans are used in this recipe, you can use two 9″ pans if preferred.

Step 3: It’s crucial to bring your butter, egg whites, milk, and strawberry reduction to room temperature. Failure to do so may result in a curdled mixture and a ruined cake.

Step 4: In a separate medium bowl, combine the milk, strawberry reduction (or puree), strawberry emulsion (or extract), vanilla extract, lemon extract, lemon zest, lemon juice, and pink food coloring. Whisk these ingredients together.

Step 5: In another separate medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Step 6: Place the room temperature butter in a stand mixer with the paddle attachment and beat at medium speed until the mixture is smooth and shiny, which should take about 30 seconds. If using a hand mixer, the process may take longer.

Step 7: Gradually add the sugar while beating, and continue until the mixture becomes fluffy and almost white, which should take 3-5 minutes.

Step 8: Add the egg whites one at a time, beating for 15 seconds between each addition. At this point, your mixture should appear cohesive. If it looks curdled and broken, it means your butter or egg whites were too cold.

Step 9: Mix on low speed and add about a third of the dry ingredients to the batter, followed immediately by about a third of the milk mixture. Continue this process two more times. Once the batter appears blended, stop the mixer and scrape the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula. If it looks like ice cream, you’ve done it right.

Step 10: Divide the batter evenly among the prepared pans, smoothing the tops with a rubber spatula.

Step 11: Bake the cakes at 350ºF (176ºC) until they feel firm in the center and a toothpick comes out clean or with just a few crumbs on it. This should take approximately 30-35 minutes.

Step 12: After baking, place the pans on a wire rack and allow them to cool for 10 minutes. Then, flip the cakes onto the racks and let them cool completely.

Step 13: Once the cakes are cool, wrap each layer in plastic wrap and refrigerate them before assembling your cake. Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours, or freeze for up to one week.

Step 14: If you desire even more strawberry flavor, consider spreading some of the extra strawberry reduction directly onto each layer before filling with buttercream and stacking.

Crafting Strawberry Buttercream

The strawberry buttercream is the crowning glory of this cake. Here’s how to create it:

Step 1: Place pasteurized egg whites and powdered sugar in the bowl of your stand mixer, add the whisk attachment, and combine the ingredients on low. Then, whip on high for 5 minutes.

Step 2: Add the butter in chunks and whip on high for 8-10 minutes until the buttercream becomes very white, light, and shiny. Initially, it may appear curdled and yellow, but this is normal. Keep whipping.

Step 3: Add strawberry reduction, a pinch of salt, and vanilla extract, and continue whipping until incorporated.

Step 4: Optionally, switch to a paddle attachment and mix on low for 15-20 minutes to make the buttercream very smooth and remove air bubbles. While this step isn’t mandatory, it will result in exceptionally creamy frosting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What type of strawberries is best to use?

A: Hood berries are recommended. If they are in season, get the best strawberries you can from a local farmer’s market. If strawberries aren’t in season, try to find the best quality berries available at your local grocery store.

Q: Can I use strawberry jam or preserves?

A: Strawberry jam is essentially blended strawberries with sugar, so it won’t work for this recipe. If you absolutely cannot get fresh strawberries, you can use blended strawberry preserves, but be aware that it will be sweeter. A reduction is essential for this recipe to achieve the right consistency and amount of strawberry flavor.

Q: Can I use a flour substitute?

A: No, you cannot use almond flour, self-rising flour, or cake flour for this cake.

Q: What kind of strawberry emulsion is best?

A: Using strawberry emulsion or extract is crucial for a strong strawberry flavor. LorAnn’s strawberry emulsion is recommended for a robust taste.

Q: Can I use this for cupcakes?

A: Yes, this recipe can yield about 24 cupcakes.

Q: Is this cake suitable for use under fondant?

A: Yes, this cake can be used under fondant. However, it’s essential not to use cream cheese frosting beneath the fondant, as it may cause the fondant to melt.


The journey to creating the best fresh strawberry cake involves dedication and precision, but the result is a cake that captures the true essence of strawberries. With real strawberries, lemon zest, and a hint of pink, this cake is a testament to the beauty of natural flavors. Each step in this recipe is carefully crafted to ensure your cake is a stunning success. So, if you’re ready to embark on a cake-baking adventure and savor the authentic taste of fresh strawberries, this recipe is your guide to perfection. Your efforts will be rewarded with a delectable cake that tastes as wonderful as it looks.

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